Ok, with to many unknowns for my liking I'm just going ride my bike down, sit in a car on the cruise and ride home on the Sunday - I think I'm work early on Monday
I'll meet up with the Auckland boys and try not to get bored following em
Ok, I've got the weekend off :) All I need to sort now is a Ride. I do have my bike I just didn't really want to follow a line of beautiful cars and be that weirdo on a bike. Re work on car - falling behind on a lot of rust :( no current warrant or reg :( I wont book anything until I have a concrete...
Hey Guys and Girls, I have an 82 Datsun Bluebird that is in need a new home temporarily!!! (does run, not road legal) I'm currently going through a break up after a long time. The car is at Her's and my current situation doesn't allow for a car. She is going to scrap it if I cant get it moved... so ...