Whoa no updates since november, man I have been shit.
So I did get the silvia instrument cluster mounted (BIG thanks to Brocky for hooking me up with that) I did however make a mare of the first attempt so its lucky I got a spare one for free from the laser cutters.
I Also mounted the silvia wiper motor which was surprisingly easy (more on that later)
Also fuel lines are run and filters mounted so thats another thing out of the way.
Ive also started on another pedal box thats a triple reverse mounted setup, this means that since the mc's are smaller I don't need to mount them down on an angle like the first attempt using the Datsun MC. The other reason was I was having trouble finding anything bigger than the sunny 13/16th's one which I wasn't sure if that was going to be a problem or not!
I didn't get very far, I was working on it before new years and I worked out after about 2 days work that the pivot point for the pedal was too high and the mc was jamming and because of the way id fabricated it to ct out the pivot point mounting I had to cut off all my mounting for the pedal box to the firewall. So I got all pissy and through that in the corner for when i'm ready to have another go
So when I got back from New years break I Decided to have a crack at making some headers instead. That went a lot more smoothly, still about 10 or so hours worth of work in them!
Anyway as chris kept saying yesterday, PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!
So heres the panel I got laser cut to mount the speedo, it required an angled mount tab to be welded on the top and the holes drilled for the bottom mounts. Also needed to be folded into a tophat section to space it out from the back of the dash frame
A little matt black paint and there it is
Silvia wiper motor mounted, its a tight fit as its a bit longer than the std datsun one
Here's the inside view, not sure if you can see but I had to hole saw the hole a bit bigger and a little further towards the center of the car. I also ground off the old mount holes and welded four new nuts in place for mounting. THe best part (the easy bit) was the datsun wiper drive arm bolted straight onto the silvia motor. (which was fantastic at the time because I was having a can't be fucked day. So that meant I could head back inside early.
here's some photo's of the pedal box, not much to say really as its going to have to change a bit.
Good dash clearance compared to the std datsun MC's. Although I di find that when I installed all three masters that the third one fouled the fuse box mount bracket on the dash frame so that might end up getting relocated.
Fuel lins are run
I also made a hole lot of these little clips because i'm such a fussy cunt that I didn't want bolt holes everywhere mounting my fuel line. The things we do sometimes......
Header, cam out pretty good, not as nice as i'd have liked. I'd have liked the runners to be a be a bit more equal length and I also think its a little long. Definitely alright for the $300 beater motor but I'm thinking too long for the built motor. Primaries are 1.75" and (about) #1-610mm #2-640mm #3-640mm #4-670mm. The secondaries are 2" and are about 600mm and 520mm. I think that ideally the secondaries should be a bit shorter but it came down to the fact I was using off the shelf mandrel bends and trying to fit them into a cunty place! So the kind of ended up just being what they were going to be!

This is a top view looking down at the idler arm. It just clears steering at full lock, I originally had the secondaries running closer to the gearbox so there was quite a bit of clearance but when I took the runners off to make them oval (which didn't work nearly as successfully as i'd hoped) and rewelded them back on the flange is fucking moved about 15mm closer to the idler, but thankfully there is just enough clearance....
I also made my own merge collectors which wasn't actually as hard as I thought, but I would have loved a linisher, would have made the job infinitely easier. This ones the secondary collector its 2" (x2) IN and 2.5" out. This is how I made them
First I cut a scalloped section out, this was eyeballed with a 1mm cutoff disc, I competely fucked up the frst one but the next three were easy enough
Then I cleaned them up with a sanding disc till they fitted together nicely like so
Then I buzzed them up. To get the outlet I cut off a piece of 2.5" about 50mm long. Squashed it in the vice till it was 2" across then trimmed back the length of the collector till It fitted nicely
Finished collector
WHEW big update, should cover me for another couple of months
Also sorry but they are all cellphone pictures cause i'm no god damn lazy to walk all the way upstairs to get the camera