Stirlingmac's Toys

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Re: Stirlingmac's Toys

Post by nick_m »

Don't get rid of the datsuns!
Not those two anyway, you've owned them forever and a day haven't you? Dont do it!
I'll tell you what, give them to me to look after since you have too many toys and i'll look after them until such time you want them back again :)
I'd much rather drive a gx coupe than a auto a12 sunny! :D
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Re: Stirlingmac's Toys

Post by cheater_5 »

+1 i would really like to take that coupe off your hands.
Already have a ute and a wagon, just need a coupe and a sedan and ive got the lot :D
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Re: Stirlingmac's Toys

Post by Dattochriswagon »

WOW. !!!
The coupe is beautiful in the Orange!
And i love the ute. those wheels look pretty cool.!
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Re: Stirlingmac's Toys

Post by nzdatman »

looking good Wayne, nice to see those good ol' boys haven't corrupted you to the point of giving up the jappas! ;)
shame to see you sell the coupes after all these years but I hear you when you say 'too many toys'...
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Re: Stirlingmac's Toys

Post by Flauski »

NOOOOOOO! Not for sale! So close...... :cry:

I can't talk though mine is close and I feel like giving up all the time, such and EXPENSIVE hobby!
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