z181200 wrote:Classic car is for old people that restore to boring standard condition!
It's also for people who love quality old cars, whether they be Mustangs, Alfas or Datsuns. I guess for many buying NZCC will be as close to buying a Classic as their wife will let them get. Seeing Datsuns as a classic option might broaden their view and our membership.
You are right they probably won't paint a rising sun on the side, (may even feel offended by it) or cover it in their suppliers logos but they will still appreciate others creativity and skill, then hop back into their near std Dato and head home having enjoyed their day with a sector of society they may never have had anything to do with had they not bought a Datsun, and our cruises can be richer for this.
Datsuns can fit in both Mags, and some won't fit in either, we don't have our own mag, that's why the forum exists, but Magazines allow us exposure to a wider audience.
I don't favour a feature in either mag, (I do buy classic car, I think most people on this forum would appreciate their feature car this month), but can see how either mag could do a feature on our cruise and think it is a path worth exploring, even if it is just to the point of listing us in up coming events. Both mags are published by ParkSide, the first NZPC was an insert in NZ Classic Car, the issue featuring a 240Z as the cover car, maybe they can decide where we best fit, or we supply 2 articles, with a slant each way. Could we provide a feature car and so take over the issue, for extra exposure. EG BRE rep. or some show car on the cruise, or maybe James' 240z build.
Just some ideas, either and both publications have merit in my view.