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Re: Glen / 510WGN will be here shortly......

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:50 pm
by datsunboy
good to see you here :)
and hope everyone can unerstand all that has been said :)

georgie definately over-reacted!!
are you saying that because I started another forum, that her calling me a "backstabbing cunt" and that "I slapped you in the face"......and "fucking chch datsun cunts"......on her bebo page........none of that is an over-reaction?
I mean, you started the forum, and you can understand whats happening.....and your not saying those things.
sure, she had reason to be upset.....but she most definately over-reacted.
I you said.....shes entilted to her own opinion as is everyone......Im just saying this because you brought it up saying that she was not over-reacting.

Re: Glen / 510WGN will be here shortly......

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:56 pm
by Bartman
So what percent chance do you give of the old forum content being recovered?

Also the majority of hostility originated from a person/persons taking exception to dans actions when he was only trying to provide a means for people to converse with their datsun mates throughout NZ.
The reception he got from those parties was down right rude. Did you get abusive messages asking why your site had vanished? Or just genuine queries? Maybe go and read some of hostile remarks posted towards Dan.

Re: Glen / 510WGN will be here shortly......

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:59 pm
by Dattochriswagon
Thanks Glen, Good to hear it from the man him self.
The rumour mill was goin mad, and i did take alot of it seriously.
Im gonna be the first to admit, I did send a text to Blair satin to sort it out about not comin on a cruise because he disagreed with some one, I said he should put that aside and come and enjoy the day like we all do, I have my moments with some people on the forum but i aint gonna let that stop me from comin on the cruise.
As much as i love and all the old stuff we have on thier, im just bloody glad we have somewhere to chat that is not a bebo/facebook/myspace thing as they are not my cup of tea as ive never seen some many twats in one place before.
Thanks for comin back, And im sure like all of us have over these last few months of downtime have some progress to show on thier Datsun projects???????? :D :D :D

Re: Glen / 510WGN will be here shortly......

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:10 pm
by 510WGN
Dan, I have already said to you that what she says is her own thing. I haven't made her say anything etc, so is up to her.
She has not been over reacting to the things said that aren't true or been assumed, just that she knew things that others didn't.
I don't care what has been said about other things, that is other peoples thoughts on other discussions. So why should I worry about that?
I didn't actually know that Bebo and other personal page sites like that was tied into what ha been said on every forum known to man, I thought she could write what she wanted on there, can't see what that has to do with me...

Bart, I won't know until someone who knows what they are doing can look at it and see what the problems are. But that is dated back in Feb when the move was made, so should have everything before then as long as what our PAID system had done to it in the first place.
Most of the early reception had gone down BEFORE things were explained to everyone, The old posts are still there saying by some that this is the new forum that will be better than the old one etc. Nothing was said then about being a Temp forum. But things had since changed after talking to Dan myself and sorting out things he and I didn't know.

Chris, Yeah that's what I'm here for is to try and sort out the division. I won't be updating anything here on this forum or checking out other updates as it's taking my time from sorting out the DOCNZ mess that Kiwi Web Host stuffed up ages ago. I will be waiting for DOCNZ forum to be back etc.

Re: Glen / 510WGN will be here shortly......

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:15 pm
by datsunboy
I know its got nothing to do with you what she says.....I even said that in my post.
I only brought up all that stuff, to show you that she was in fact over you said she wasnt.
I in no way said or intended or implied that you had anything to do with what she said

Re: Glen / 510WGN will be here shortly......

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:20 pm
by 510WGN
I didn't say anything about over reacting about everything on the forum Dan, just the things to do with DOCNZ and the untrue things said.

Re: Glen / 510WGN will be here shortly......

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:24 pm
by datsunboy
so its agreed she over-reacted to this forums creation
as there were almost no posts on here when she said those things.

aside from this....continue on with normal DOCNZ discussion

Re: Glen / 510WGN will be here shortly......

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:44 pm
by taiparacer
good to have u here glen lets hope the docnz site can be fixed shortly in the mean time lets all leave the crap at the door and get on with what the site/s were set up for to advance the rule of datsun long live the datsun any way if we didnt have the site or sites where would i ask all my dumb questions their is only so many sledge hamers i can buy

Re: Glen / 510WGN will be here shortly......

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:47 pm
I didnt overreact Dan, did we not explain to you why I was saying such harsh thing to you? That was all before it was made clear to Glen or I that this was infact a temporary forum as it was not stated anywhere on the site. Sorry but I havent quite learnt to read minds yet

Re: Glen / 510WGN will be here shortly......

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:50 pm
by datsunboy
yes you did....and it was on here, with no need to read minds.
your posts were more than over reaction and normal conversational talk on a discussion forum....they were abusive