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Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:09 pm
by Datto_610
After a bit of a drive round today everything seems to be good! I think the fuel pump is noisier now though maybe because it's closer to the bottom of the tank? Anyway need to drive this more as it's so fun! The only other thing which is starting to bug me quite a bit is that the shifter pops out of 3rd gear while driving rather intermittently... any ideas?
Re: Datto_610's 180B - Street Legal!
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:37 pm
by DJZ
Fuel pump not touching anything like the sides/bottom of the tank?
Bart's the gearbox man but popping out of gear is not a good sign.
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:56 pm
by Datto_610
Hard to say as it's not the easiest spot to see anything but if it gets worse I'll start to worry haha. Yeah hoping Bart can chime in with something soon.... only started to notice it on the way back from Waimate.... it had done it once before but I'm sure that was because I'd put the rubber boot on a different way round and it was ever so slightly pulling the stick out or 3rd but I fixed that. Probably should take the center console out and check if it's not something simple first..
Datto_610's 180B - Street Legal!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 2:36 pm
by Datto_610
Still getting fuel surge... did a u turn out by the airport and lost power momentarily, had under 1/4 of a tank pretty annoying so I've been thinking and have an idea. Going to run a surge tank and use a low pressure holden in tank pump so I can still utilise the cradle that my current pump is set up in. Looking online at trademe etc I've seen some surge tanks that use intank pumps to feed the injectors so If I used that I could use my current pump as well! Here's some pics to see what I mean

I'd only run one pump in the surge tank as I think two would be overkill for me. Only difficult things I can think of from getting that set up is where to mount the surge tank and getting more braided lines made up with the correct fittings. Thoughts?
Re: Datto_610's 180B - Street Legal!
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:08 pm
by broke
That looks like a fancy unit, I'm pretty keen to mount a lift pump, surge tank and HP pump all under the boot floor in my car when I get around to it, just to maximise the sound/smell isolation.
The hoses should be easy enough, they can be cut and recrimped. 5/16" ID R14 hose, Hydraulink part number for the ferrules is SP1-05 and the tails will depend on what you want to do - just hit me up when you get the tank and I'll tell you what I would do. I can't sell you (or myself) the parts cheap anymore though sadly!
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:57 pm
by Datto_610
Sick thanks John! I'm going to run it past Nick and see what he reckons. I was also thinking if was to use another skyline cradle with a custom made tank(surge) but that may end up costing more or the same I won't know til I talk to Nick. Pretty sure I have the receipts from when you made up my lines but good to know all that knowledge hasn't left that head of yours!
Re: Datto_610's 180B - Street Legal!
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:02 pm
by gingofthesouth
Just wondering why you don't just make the pump external? I think a decent bosh is less than $200 and then you will be done with the issue. That said $200 is still a bit of $$ on already tight budgets!
Im going the route of two pumps and surge tank route. a lift pump to the surge tank and supply pump to the motor. Im not going all spenno on the joiners, brass fittings and hose clamps.
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:11 pm
by Datto_610
I wanted intank due to less noise(although it's still kinda loud) and I wanted my boot to be functional. I do quite like the idea of having a pump in the surge tank and using a low pressure intank lift pump. It's still fine to drive as is for the meantime just gotta keep the tank above 1/4 hahaha. Even if I went to just an external I'd still get surge on hard cornering, u turns etc. Funny you say that your not going all out on hose and joiners when you have on everything else! (That is not a dig at you or your car just a statement lol)
Re: Datto_610's 180B - Street Legal!
Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:49 pm
by brocky41
I ran an airtek low pressure pump to fill the surge tank and a VL or vectra external fuel pump under the car - I also used the factory rubber mount and clamp setup from the holden and it was quiet - couldnt hear it at idle.
Rubber mounted the lift pump too - those airtek ones are way quieter than the usual facet pump.
We used the factory outlet to fill the surge, the engine also returned to the surge to keep that full - then returned surge to main tank. Never had any issues, had loads of similar probs without it - John helped me out with the pushlocks etc. Surge is about 1.5L from memory. I also ran 2x fuel filters - one just before the engine and one out of the surge tank.
To be honest your fuel pump looks like its hose clamped to the cradle and your cradle will only have the rubber seal so would prob make quite a bit of noise?

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:13 am
by Datto_610
It's a bit hard to tell on the pic in the boot which one is the pump... I'm not wanting to change the cradle or anything as I've had the factory outlet on the tank welded up so that's my only inlet/outlet. Yeah it is a bit loud but the whole car is loud it's just part of it haha. I don't think a low pressure intank pump would be as loud as my high pressure one, and that surge tank I'm looking at has proper mounting for the pump so I'd imagine it wouldn't be as loud as what I have now.