Rust repair/maintenance is a go! **UPDATE #5**
New panels arrived. Guards unpacked and checked. Noticed straight away there was a difference in the tooling used to form the panels (damn). So, basically, I have two slightly different guards.
Both guards are identical except the left one has a swage down the bonnet shut edge, and the right is flat. Enquiries were made as to what could be done. According to BE Car Parts they have never noticed it before, and no one had raised it with them. Apparently BE Car Parts order their guards from two different manufacturers (one makes left hand only, and the other makes right hand only). Found that kind of hard to believe and they have no more guards in stock...
Kent Distributors said they get theirs from a single manufacturer but have none in stock (grr) and couldn't advise whether or not they were flat or had the swage...
Images are as follows which should hopefully identify what I'm talking about (also the finish on the front right guard is pretty average):
Most people either wouldn't notice or worry about it, but I'm a stickler for attention to detail, so will be getting the swage hammered out flat on the left guard (to match the right hand side).
Right rear guard has been cleaned and shaped with the seam treated (as done for the left side). Images are as follows:
Broken guard bolts have also been removed from the engine bay (with all the threads tapped and cleaned). Also, advised lower radiator panel under the front apron is quite rusted. Advised a simple straight forward repair so having it repaired while everything else is getting done. Images are as follows:
Lastly, made aware that the new grille I purchased is different. Didn't realise the new one I purchased is for a 1200 ute, which are slightly different in shape and also a single plastic piece/panel (as opposed to the standard 1200 sedan grille which is polished stainless steel with separate headlight rings). Image is as follows:
That's me for now. Still trying to cull through engine rebuild images for next post. Booked in for 20th August to drop the completed engine with 5 speed into the car, ready to move gearbox mount. More updates to come...
- Braasy