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Re: Forum Problem...

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 2:58 pm
by Bartman
the creation of this forum has done FUCK ALL damage by comparison to the harm caused by there being no NZ forum at all!
Without a place where everyone can come together there is no community. We ALL give thanks to Glenn for providing the mechanism by which many of us were able to get together in the first place. But in the absence, the community can't just cease to exist. Dan has said this is only a stop gap untill Glenns forum is restored. If the minority of people who are offended don't like it, then go about your bussiness like there is no site returns. If Glenn is so livid that this has happened, then he should kick DK up the arse to fix things.
I'm both shocked AND disappointed that instead of thanking Dan for going to the trouble of doing this for us, people a lambasting him for it!

Opinions are like a clitoris, every cunts got one.

Re: Forum Problem...

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:46 pm
by Garth's my input...
I agree with everything Blair has said (didnt think id ever be saying that :lol: )
I guess having the backup site is a good idea but like Blair I will be waiting for DOCNZ to be back..
Too much hard work and time has been put into that great site to leave it behind..I hope this site is what it say's it is and will be temporary as (like someone said earlier) this club is already to small to have it divided.
Hope to see you all back at DOCNZ when its back up.

Re: Forum Problem...

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:43 pm
by Dattodevil
Like I say, I'm just glad we have somewhere to go and chat like we use to. If people want to not chat here, then go ahead and wait for something that may not happen for another 4 months. I know that I would rather be here, keeping in contact with like minded people.

Re: Forum Problem...

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:01 pm
by 240znz
Why are so many people so wound up over this?

DOCNZ is down. Fact.
We "as a club" have this alternative site up with kudos to Dan. Dan has assured us that it will be locked when DOCNZ is up again. When it's down , this site will be unlocked. Fact.

Fanstastic, best of both worlds as far as I am concerned. Even better would be the ability for all threads from this site to be imported into DOCNZ once it's back up. That way we won't lose anything.

Glen, you've done a fantastic job in getting DOCNZ established and running over the past years and I, as all, praise you for your devotion and dedication. But if we can't get a site reliable (for whatever reason), then maybe it's time we all contributed financially to it to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

We breifly discussed with Ross the possibility of forming an official club. It has some very real benefits. I think it's time we as members paid an annual club fee to pay for the site admin, if it would make it more reliable. Doesn't have to be a lot does it. Maybe $20 to $40 a year?

Chill all. Life's to short.

Re: Forum Problem...

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:07 pm
by Garth
Agreed with the above :D . Lets just not loose all we have over this..

Re: Forum Problem...

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:22 pm
by 2 doors
Well said 240znz, I for one will be straight back to nzdoc once its back online, it doesnt seem that long ago that we were all talking about putting money in glens account to stop this very thing from happening(nzdoc going offline) only at the time it was a bandwidth issue, I personally would be happy to pay fees for the use of a SECURE nzdoc site. Glen you have done and hopefully will continue to do a remarkable job on the nzdoc site, I hope you can suss out the issues at hand and we can all return to the original datsun owners club asap, in the meantime its good to be able to catch-up with whats happening around the country with all the other like minded breathern.

Re: Forum Problem...

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:54 pm
by Blair
Well to those who have text me................

I cannot believe what you have said. Thanks guys. Thats the kinda attitude I didnt think I would get from so-called mates.

And I will say it again...........
Blair wrote:I know what Dan was trying to do for ALL of us, the idea was bloody great, just the way in which it was handle wasnt the best effort.
Blair wrote:This whole thing has totally put me off doing anything with any Datsun people. This has done a hell of a lot of Damage to the whole NZ Datsun seen. Now I am not blaming anyone, as very one makes mistakes. The big test now is how this whole thing can be sorted out. Which I do hope it will be.
You will now no longer see me at club cruises, club BBQ's or anything to do with Fucken Datsuns. I was at first, just going to stay away for awhile, keep my mouth shut, etc. Now after some of the texts, my mind is made up. Im gone for good. From here, DOCNZ and any other forum based site. I have better things to do than to put up with certain types of behavior.

I do hope you all enjoy this site, DOCNZ etc.

Re: Forum Problem...

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:41 pm
by datsunboy
no idea whos been txting you, but sucks that its gone that way

Re: Forum Problem...

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:02 pm
by dat180
Does it matter? Whoever you are you deserve snaps. *SNAPS*

Re: Forum Problem...

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:49 am
On the offchance this post actuall works,

Last time I looked the internet was a free realm, anyone who wants to start a website can do so.
If this becomes the prefered datsun website for NZ , it will be because it is stable and reliable.
No disrespect to the other site, but theres no reason why it couldnt have been changed to a more stable host,or the Glen could have asked for assistance if he needed it.
I would have been happy to assist financially if it was needed.

Im not aware of any requirement to ask permission to set up a datsun website.

If Glen is /was pissed off, thats his problem, theres been plenty of time to sort it out .