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Re: 2012 NZ Datsun Trackday/evening - Friday 19th October

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:38 pm
by kartboy
Dattochriswagon wrote:Does the insurance company look after heavily modified cars?
I cant see the link for the deal as im not authorised to. So just asking. Also does the club see fit that i pay $40 after 1 year away from the club or $20 to rejoin ?

It is done on a case by case basis, they do insurer a lot of hot rods so it would be a case of talking with them to see if they would cover you. Think Nicole has her z18 510 insured with them.

They are cheap even without club membership but I am saving approx extra $50 by being a member and the bonus is they give the club a percentage of the premium as a rebate so is fundraising for the club.

Re: 2012 NZ Datsun Trackday/evening - Friday 19th October

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:23 pm
by brocky41
Dattochriswagon wrote:Does the insurance company look after heavily modified cars?
I cant see the link for the deal as im not authorised to. So just asking. Also does the club see fit that i pay $40 after 1 year away from the club or $20 to rejoin ?
Ive reposted it here aswell so potential members etc can see the deal :) ... 2&start=90" onclick=";return false;

Re: 2012 NZ Datsun Trackday/evening - Friday 19th October

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:18 pm
by Dattochriswagon
Thankyou :)

Re: 2012 NZ Datsun Trackday/evening - Friday 19th October

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:37 pm
by classicdat
I'm really pleased with how this is coming together. Sounds like there are going to be a few Cars Debuting at this event, I can't wait to see them. Remember even if you haven't got cert. yet as long as the car is up to standard you can come out and run it, so don't miss out.

Re: 2012 NZ Datsun Trackday/evening - Friday 19th October

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:51 pm
by 2 doors
Vaughn could you please pencil me in for this thanks, also just wondering if there would be interested partys to accompany drivers on some orientation laps, to basically initiate the best lines and speeds to take things at? I personally would love to get some tips from the start, and think it would benifitt my driving completely.
, rather than plowing around blindly trying to get things to gell.

Re: 2012 NZ Datsun Trackday/evening - Friday 19th October

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:54 pm
by 2 doors
datpete wrote:Can non Datsuns take part?
what about caged up white coupes??
I would love to see this on the track

Re: 2012 NZ Datsun Trackday/evening - Friday 19th October

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:21 pm
by Dattochriswagon
Yeah im really looking forward to this event. Will not have enough coin to put thru cert.
But keen to thrash it around the track.
Then park it up for the summer and ride motorcycles wherever the road takes me

Re: 2012 NZ Datsun Trackday/evening - Friday 19th October

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:28 pm
by classicdat
2 doors wrote:Vaughan could you please pencil me in for this thanks, also just wondering if there would be interested partys to accompany drivers on some orientation laps, to basically initiate the best lines and speeds to take things at? I personally would love to get some tips from the start, and think it would benifitt my driving completely.
, rather than plowing around blindly trying to get things to gell.
I think this would be a great idea. I am hoping to be there with the Z all caged up, so would be able to take a few around, but 6pm is the cut off for full noise race cars. I think a sedan with a few bods could work just as well. and easier to talk and share ideas.
I'm no expert, but I do know my way around there, I do my own thing, have never had any training or read any experts ideas, so it's all a bit home grown.

Re: 2012 NZ Datsun Trackday/evening - Friday 19th October

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:36 pm
by mark105
i usually just frequent days like dual sprints where you get the chance to chase people down and follow some good lines. experience is where its at though, i find it relatively easy to work out good lines as you can feel when your going quicker through the corners. seeing as we are allowed to take passengers at reduced speeds if you dont mind holding on people can jump in my passengers seat.

Re: 2012 NZ Datsun Trackday/evening - Friday 19th October

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:29 pm
by dirtyleppa
i dont mind taking a passenger, as i doubt the ute will be breaking any speed records :lol: