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Fund Raising BBQ at supercheap Easter Saturday
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:00 am
by classicdat
Anyone interested in putting on a display (Static) and selling a few Sausages to do some fundraising that can be used to help subsidise ferry crossings etc in the future? I have got the go ahead to do a sausage sizzle here in ChCh but I am sure we could arrange it for other centres too if there is interest. Looks like Saturday should be a big day at SC, promo? Great opportunity to raise profile, and funds and get together with a few others from the community for a good time.
If you have a car that you would like to display post on here too. It would be great to get some works of art, but everyday classics are a good idea too, to show we are a community that enjoy our cars as well as restores and preserves them.
Re: Fund Raising BBQ at supercheap Easter Saturday
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:18 pm
by kartboy
cheers for organising this Vaughan, I should be able to come down and help out, not that flash on BBQ but hey I don't have to eat it.
Re: Fund Raising BBQ at supercheap Easter Saturday
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:43 pm
by brocky41
Thanks for organising this, we are unfortunately away in H.Bay but if you need a car the sunny is available, tidying her up atm.
Great weekend to do it as super cheap will be having a sale as per usual so should yet a few punters.
Re: Fund Raising BBQ at supercheap Easter Saturday
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:00 pm
by Josh
Can have my sunny/good advertising for sale

Re: Fund Raising BBQ at supercheap Easter Saturday
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:18 pm
by classicdat
Josh you would be very welcome to drive it down there and cook some Suasies.
Re: Fund Raising BBQ at supercheap Easter Saturday
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:39 pm
by DJZ
Might have missed it but which Supercheap?
Re: Fund Raising BBQ at supercheap Easter Saturday
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:43 pm
by classicdat
Probably Riccarton, has the highest number of customers I'd think, and a Butcher next door if we run out of Sausages.
Re: Fund Raising BBQ at supercheap Easter Saturday
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:53 pm
by Josh
Potentially damnwell working. Ill come along if I can
Re: Fund Raising BBQ at supercheap Easter Saturday
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:03 pm
by dirtyleppa
im keen guys. will park up ute aswell
Re: Fund Raising BBQ at supercheap Easter Saturday
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:20 pm
by classicdat
Can you transport a BBQ Dylan?