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CA18de $$$

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:25 am
by grant76
You guys that have fit a ca18de into a 1200, can you give me a bit of info on $$$ i might be spending??? I've got s13 front brakes already, will try to get away with standard ute diff at the moment. Not including actual engine/gearbox etc what have you guys spent?? I'll be doing mounts and tunnel myself, but have no idea about wiring. Is using a standard computer/ecu best option?? I know i'll need to sort out a surge tank and hydraulic clutch, driveshaft. I know its a bit of a how longs a piece of string question, but a ballpark would be good. Ta

Re: CA18de $$$

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:02 am
by nick_m
driveshaft will be about $100-$150 to modify and rebalance at a guess. Upto $400 if you get one made from scratch. Stick with standard computer, Your standard ute diff will be more than up to the task. Cert $350. Pumps and surge tank is a bit of an open ended question. You could possibly get the standard tank modified for a factory nissan intank pump which could be less than $200 I imagine, where as an aftermarket external start at about that. Hydraulic clutch isn't a big deal, just fiddly.
Wiring would depend on whether you had to pay a sparky to do it, we're lucky down this way cause we got Dan and Mark so cheap wiring. I honestly wouldn't be able to guess at a figure for that. But you've already done the majority of it.
It looks like you'll be able to do the majority of the work yourself so at a guess I'd say in the $1500 range on top of buying your motor just doing the bare minimum. Time would be the big prtion of the swap.

Maybe Brocky can pitch in on what it cost for the ca18de in his 120y as I imagine he had to do similar amount of work to get his in and running.

Re: CA18de $$$

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:49 pm
by Dattochriswagon
Ive done aot of it on the cheap but you will find it cheaper again if you are DE as you dont have intercooler and pipe work and bigger fuel pumps. The diff should handle it alright after all Broackys diff is still holding up . Id say not including the engine box and ecu you could do it for under a 1k if you done everything yourself

Re: CA18de $$$

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:35 pm
by grant76
cheers guys, now thats given me some idea' to the garage we go then.

Re: CA18de $$$

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:52 pm
by Dattochriswagon
Good luck dude. And if you have any questins pm or text me as ive done a few CA conversions so should be able to help at in some way as well as the others

Re: CA18de $$$

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:53 pm
by Bartman
I was talking to brocky tonight, and he said his whole conversion including cert cost $2K. That being said, it could be done cheaper if you didn't have time constraints..

Re: CA18de $$$

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:17 pm
by brocky41
That 2K also included motor loom box and ecu for $500 but things like driveshaft, exhaust and wiring were the other $$ items