Lifters / cam followers

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Lifters / cam followers

Post by Naki-Fisher »

Hey guru's
Time to pick your brains again
I am wondering if any of you have any info on lifter swaps?
With an aggressive cam we are planning to use I would like to fit larger faced lifters. can any of you help?? i.e. what to sue and if mods are required basic run down of what to do.
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Re: Lifters / cam followers

Post by Bartman »

Nissan SD23 I believe work. (Unsure if the SD22's are the same of not, those engines do have a few differences, despite both being SD)
As I understand it, these are also a common swap for ford Xflow motors too.
Dave (B110SSS) used some in his engine. I think from memory there is a little bit of clearancing required at the top of the lifter area (Ceiling above the camshaft lobes) to allow the larger lifter Head to reach full lift without interference. It seems to ring a bell that it was Franklin Cams who put this mod out there?
Hopefully Dave will chime in too.
They don't call me the man with the rubber arm for nothing you know.............
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