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SR20DET into a U11 Bluey
Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:17 am
by auscar60
Just curious if anyone has done this conversion before and is there anything I should be aware of?
Re: SR20DET into a U11 Bluey
Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:27 pm
by DylPhil7
might have more luck in the primera & pulsar club ?
I have no Input to offer, Maybe you could look at an SR powered U12 or U13 and see if you can use any parts from that on yours.
Re: SR20DET into a U11 Bluey
Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:55 pm
by fletch
yea you want to use the u12 sr20 manual gearbox. i have never seen a manual u13 one.
if you can get the whole u12 sr20 bluebird you will be able to do it easy as the loom and computer will fit. If you use the u13 loom and computer you will have to chop a hole in the firewall for it to fit through.
You can use the p10/p11 gearbox, but you will need to convert to cable clutch and make a new gearbox mount. also the half shafts dont fit as well.
Re: SR20DET into a U11 Bluey
Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 7:32 pm
by Bartman
I have a manual U13 bluey as a daily.
It came with a spare gearbox too.
Re: SR20DET into a U11 Bluey
Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:01 pm
by auscar60
Thanks for the help