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To Ramflo or not to Ramflo

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 7:41 pm
by _smp_
Just bolted in A15 came with stock carby with a small Ramflo on the top.

Sounds pretty good when I floor it and give it some herbs but for some reason I always understood Ramflo to be shit... Any thoughts on the matter?? Happy to be convinced otherwise. I know it ain't twin sidies or anything, just keen for an efficient flowing filter.

I'm keen on a circular paper style filter but can't find one.
Are they available for stock a series hitachi carbies?

Shall I suck it up until I upgrade later?

Re: To Ramflo or not to Ramflo

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 3:13 pm
by classicdat
You could make up a uni foam filter that you oil if you want more protection with your Ramflow.

Re: To Ramflo or not to Ramflo

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 7:26 pm
by Bartman
I'm pretty sure you're right about ramflo being shite.
If you can't lay your hands on a stock A15 air cleaner, Try find the carb fitting off a C20 Van. They have a remote air filter box. you could slap that on, and run a duct down away from the exhaust heat to a pod or mushroom style filter. Wont look cool. But cool air is free horsepower......