I'm doing my first ever long road trip to Rotorua (in the 300zx) and I was just thinking about things I can do to make sure the car is secure against getting stolen (or also against any dings that may or may not happen on the ferry ride there and back). Like, suggestions on where to or not to park? Just those little common sense things that I haven't learned over the years (only been driving for a year and three months=didn't even know how to open the hood last october).
Any suggestions for the eager but not very road savvy would be appreciated
Plan your day ahead, pack to avoid opening the boot to reveal what's inside at roadside stops and particularly at entertainment or food stops, when you are likely to leave the car for any length of time. Try to make your car as local as possible, remove Red and Black banners, try and make it's load as hidden as possible without looking hidden (us the factory parcel tray if possible) and try not to load car down too much in the rear.
Always carry 3L of drinkable water in the boot, or rear seat, just in case and a towel for car sick passengers.
Steady progress beats periods of rapid progress broken up by dicussions with members of local Law inforcement
Bartman wrote:A simple steering lock (like "the club") Will deter most joy riders. But if someone really wants to steal your car then nothing will stop them.
Chains padlocked around the wheels is a good deterant too, and visible but does smart of paranoia.
Go with the steering lock
take your time and enjoy the ride is what i think is best. will make the trip enjoyable and less stressful. as for keeping the old girl safe, main thing is to keep it out in the open where people can see it, keep it in well lit areas and dont leave anything visible on the seats, floor etc.
oh and make sure its insured against such happenings, should they happen. have the basic tools on hand, jack, wheel brace, screw drivers, water. and keep an eye on stuff like water and oil levels, tyre pressures, window wiper water and lights. basic checks like these will prevent major problems down the line, and stop you getting stuck in the middle of nowhere
Rofl, now WHY would two already sexy women want to pick up ANOTHER sexy woman??? Besides, she may have 4 seats, but I don't think ANYONE would WANT to squish in back there! I've done it before and it's pretttty tight fitting. Certainly not enough room for any hankey panky lol.
As for staying in Nelson, I'll be up there soon enough mate, on a work trip (so work will pay for accom and food). And coming from CHC I might as well just go straight to Picton. But if you want we can catch up when I'm up for the Eval harvest (we take harvested fish and do tests on them to make sure our salmon broodstock are top notch) in mid-late January.
Aside from that, thanks heaps there's some sweet suggestions there that I'll take into account. Though, hiding our stuff may be hard cuz the boot IS the back window and there's not much space in it. Hard to hide stuff in a car that's all windows lol. But I've already got a blanket in it, I could use that to chuck over stuff. How much can two women on holiday REALLY need? Aside from the bathing suits and makeup lol. I never even THOUGHT to look for a spare tyre, let alone something to use to change it with!! She needs new front tyres anyway though, so I'll add that in on top. And the club for sure. She's already insured for everything so she's good there.
Now I just have to lose some fat off my tummy so I'll look ok in all this Victoria's Secret clothing mom is bringing me down!