Still fairly stoked however..
Cons.. Rust pretty much everywhere
Most likely doesnt run
Dead plates
Most of the interior is M.I.A
Pros... Its a motherflipn 2 door 1200 wag!
Yet to pick up but price is agreed upon so shits all good. Oddly enough I sold this dude my last 1200 wagon about 4 years ago, so hes being a good cunt and hooking me up with some extra goods... Ute diff (H165?), coupe dash, some spare doors, and other odd bits and bobs that I will find out on the day...
Plan is for full rebuild, I want some kind of garage project for the next few years while I do my building apprenticeship so I'm giving myself 2 years for pannel and paint... Although that may sound ages as, I have never weilded nor done pannel work before so its guna be one hell of a mish!
As far as everything after that goes I'm unsure, take it as it comes.. But am thinking along the lines of 14x7's, low as fuck, 4age with big cams and I.T.B's and a link. We will see though...
Anyhow, most of you would have seen it on trademe, but these are the only pics Ive got till I pick it up