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Re: Anyone know this 1600

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 9:52 pm
by Bartman
I might be wrong about that part, I haven't actually done mine yet.
Greg datto_610 has though. Maybe he'll chime in.

Re: Anyone know this 1600

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:08 am
by sr1600
Yep - Caliper on the top, that's why the holes need to be welded up from memory as a pair of them are half over the 1600 pcd pattern

The offset on the bracket is to the inside , and once you get the centre hole opened slighty you will see where the bracket doesnt quite clear the seam of the trailing arm. Basically a dress of the curve will fix that.

Disc should just slip on and brake bolt up.

Buy the hand brake cables from Datsport. Far cheaper than the set i had made..............

Re: Anyone know this 1600

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:54 am
by Bartman
$220AUD is a lot of money. Especially when you figure in the freight too.
I hate to think how much your cables must have cost Mark, if the datsport ones are good value?
Last lot of cables I had made (Modified U13 cables for a U13 rear disc conversion on a 1200) was under $100. And that included buying the donor cables. (and I recall thinking they had charged me heaps too)

Re: Anyone know this 1600

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:19 am
by sr1600
Still seething about my cables , considering I had both the r31 and 1600 cables for the end crimps......
Got the lengths of a diagram from the net, run the tape over mine and decided they would be fine.
Looked up the local "brake" place and rocked in there thinking maybe 200 bucks ill be happy, they are only a bit of cable and crimps how much could they be. Can get made ones for AUS $220
5 days later got the phone call they had arrived, rocked in and $370ish NZ for the pair.
Upside was he didnt push enough digits on the eptpos and looked at the receipt 3 days later to show $37.00 for the pair.

Downside had messages at the office/work phone because I gave him my business card to ring me when they arrived.........

Because im to bloody honest I went in there and paid the rest after a few days of fuming , but as long as my arse points down i never buy another custom set of brake cables..............(next car Im doing currently ill find some calipers and mod to the existing cables)

Re: Anyone know this 1600

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:00 am
Thanks for the info fallas.

I have a shiney pair of handbrake cables and hoses sitting on my workbence fresh from Datsport - I wont mension the price :roll: but figured my time pissing around getting them made and the price of getting them made will equal out slightly and if i stuff up measuements then ill be up for more cables when atleast the Datsport ones are tried and tested and a click of a lazy button has them sitting at my front door :D .

Ill get the centres of the brackets buzzed out this week, pick up some new wheel bearings and start playing around with fitting it all.

Re: Anyone know this 1600

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:25 am
by Bartman
I would dearly love to take some measurements off your cables before you fit them if I may Nic?
I'm pretty sure I can have some made at safeRbrakes cheaper than what mark got stung. even though they aint that cheap to deal with.

Re: Anyone know this 1600

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:39 pm
Im sure you could bart to be honest, with the exact measurments it would be quite easy for the to replicate. Ill take some measurements and photos before I fit them and make them avalable for anyone that wants to have some done in the future.
Maybe put it on the forum somewhere.

Re: Anyone know this 1600

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:47 pm
by Bartman
Sweet! :highfive:

Re: Anyone know this 1600

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:37 pm
by Datto_610
Also very keen to get lengths of cables.. I have some second hand ones but I snapped the threaded end trying to remove the adjuster :( Bart has suggested I go into Safe R Brakes to get a new end crimped on but I also need new sheathes as mine are split.