I’ve done a bunch of shit since my last post, don’t think I have any pics.
Went for a WoF and cert.
Small list of things to do so will spend the next couple weeks going through them. Should be legal soon.
Today I fitted a terralink speed probe into my speedo cable. My greabox and speedo are cable driven but I needed a speed sensor because:
1. Launch control and anti lag
2. Gear by gear boost control
3. Disable door poppers when car is moving.
Fairly straight forward process.
1. I removed the cable from the car and pulled the speedo cable from the sheath about 50cm.
2. Cut the cable housing.
3. Measures the size of the probe so I can cut away enough cable sheath so the over all length remained the same (the speedo cable isn’t going to change in length so we need to cut that much out to compensate for the probe length being added in).
4. Cut back outside of the casing and fit the end bits.
5. Fed the cable back in the car because the ends wouldn’t fit through the firewall hole so the gearbox end of the split cable needed to be finished in the car.
6. Slid the drive cable back through the probe and used the hex key to clamp the cable at each end of the probe so when the cable turns, the barrel inside the probe turns to generating the signal.
Now it is ready for wiring.