Primera Oil Pump Questions

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Primera Oil Pump Questions

Post by unlimitedpower »

Well i have a questions i have a primera with a SR18di engine and it has a leak in the oil pump gasket just below the water pump.
Now most of you who have worked on a FWD SR powered car will know that trying to remove a oil pump is a tad difficult. Possibly impossible with the engine in place.

So heres my plan try and seal it up from the out side rather than remove it and replace gasket.
Im trying option 1 which is clean it up and coat it in "glaveseal" (a sealer that is used on the corners of aluminum windows) i didn't leave it long enough to dry first time round and it leaked though so im giving it a second go and will leave it for a few days before i start it back up again.

If anyone can think of a better product that will bond to the aluminum really well id love to know.
Last edited by unlimitedpower on Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What bonds good to aluminuim eg some sort of glue sealer etc

Post by nosebleed »

if you dont care much about the engine and just want to seal it up use kneedit...itll bond kryptonite to shizzonite...

will normal RTV not work?
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Re: What bonds good to aluminuim eg some sort of glue sealer etc

Post by dirtyleppa »

we use a product called 3 bond i think at work. we mostly use it as a gasket on sumps, gearbox casings and diff housing etc
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Re: What bonds good to aluminuim eg some sort of glue sealer etc

Post by unlimitedpower »

The problem with it is thats its im an area round the oil pump which is obviously under pressure. If it was just a straight oil leak it wouldn't be a problem but because its in a high pressure area it kinda pushes out.

I know theres alot of different kinds of kneadit out there can some one recommend an exact kind?

And your right i couldn't give a rats arse about the engine i just want a WOF.
Hell theres one on trade me for $100 i just don't want to pull the dam thing out because i have a gravel drive way no large trees around and no form of engine hoist to try push round on my gravel drive way.
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Re: What bonds good to aluminuim eg some sort of glue sealer etc

Post by Dattodevil »

You can remove the front cover in place, and it will be a far better job than shoving crap on it. Plus the o-ring is only a few $$
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Re: What bonds good to aluminuim eg some sort of glue sealer etc

Post by unlimitedpower »

You've lost me there the oil pump is huge a o ring is not really the problem (well that i can tell anyway)
To remove the front cover i will either have to lift motor out or support it so that i can remove lower and upper sump then i still have to work in the 1" of space to remove front cover and oil pump. Im unsure of exactly how the oil pump is set up but is there enough clearance between the right hand chime and engine to remove it?
All i want is a WOF stupid car!
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Re: What bonds good to aluminuim eg some sort of glue sealer etc

Post by Dattodevil »

There is enough room to get it out, I've done it before, It's by no means easy, but is possible. The problem is the oring between the front cover and the block.
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Re: What bonds good to aluminuim eg some sort of glue sealer etc

Post by unlimitedpower »

Ah ok. I see could you give me a little help full basic step by step instructions?

First up. Is this how it works? Block => Front cover => Oil pump, water pump etc?

From what i can tell ( i can see where the leak is coming from now its clean) its leaking between the front cover and the oil pump. Not the front cover and the block.

So plan would be jack up can and support engine from top remove lower cross member (runs from front to back) remove sumps then reinstall cross member and bolt engine back to it.

Then remove upper engine mount and bracket so that you can remove water pump etc. Then unbolt oil pump and remove?
Replace o ring (which i figure runs completely round the oil pump) reinstall in reverse order??

I have had the water pump off so i know how to get that far. Unfortunately i have reinstalled everything again now.
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Re: What bonds good to aluminuim eg some sort of glue sealer etc

Post by unlimitedpower »

Ive worked out what you mean by o ring will give it a go on weekend ive had a look at a RWD oil pump and ive worked out what i need to do. Shouldn't be to much more work that removing the water pump which was a mission but i know how to do it now. Just have to get the crank pulley off that's the hardest part.
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Re: What bonds good to aluminuim eg some sort of glue sealer etc

Post by dirtyleppa »

gas torch is your biggest friend. just if you hit it on or off with a hammer, be careful not to damage the edge, or it could foul your belt
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