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Re: Rugby.

Post by gingofthesouth »

I went to theming ceremony here in Aauckland and then the Aussie Ireland game. like 56000 of the 58000 in attendance I was cheering on the Irish. It was the most fun game I have seen live ever, and I have been to heaps of games.

Really enjoying the world cup!

On SBW (aka Show Boat Williams) I think the guy is an athlete and was a fan of his in League. But in rugby, he is good, but not good enough to be in The All Blacks IMO. I think he was picked for commercial reasons rather than form. In union, for every offload he completes he makes about 3-4 fuckups.

He is also attention greedy. Take the game against tonga for instance. He attempted to score a try he was always going to be short for instead of placing back for support he reached out and was about half a meter short, then got penalized for holding on. Then about 20 minutes later anonu made a break, drew and passed to SBW who was supported by Ali Williams with 15 meters to go should have drew and passed to Williams to score but tried to beat the last man himself and fucked it up and lost the ball in contact.

I rate him as an athlete, just not as an All Black. He should go back to league where he is a true star.

With the Irish beating Australia, it means that Aus will likely meet South Africa in the quarters, with the winner of that likely meeting the All Blacks in the Semis. Don't think they can meet in the final now.
My orangatang 510 here.
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Re: Rugby.

Post by Kitch »

I have been watching most games, and enjoying it all.
Great sense of pride in our country for hosting such an event.
got to be good $ in Kiwis economy.
Ireland Auzy game was riveting (for a low scoring game too!) you are a lucky C to be at that game Ginge.

Watching the intensity of the tier 2 nations take on the guns is cool - cheering for the underdogs, and watching the likes of the Georgians smashing the Poms, and showing courage, passion and hunger that our main teams are lacking most of the time.

As far as SBW goes, he is definately a useful tool, and can change a game with his strength and offloads, but these skills are somewhat accentuated when you are playing far lesser quality teams. In saying that an impact player off the bench in a tight game could be an ideal position for him. Nonu looks sublime in comparison, his strength to continually break the line, and present beautifully delivered passes to our outside backs is second to none. Smith is extremly consistant, and just 'glides' through tackles effortlessly.

A shame Zacky got OTP after the tri-nations game and been a naughty boy, would like to have seen him have a run against the minor teams, but as we are now getting to business end, and the fact Kahui has slotted into the wing position beautifully, unfortunately Zack will only get a bench spot at best now IMO. wished Jane got more game time too, should have put him into full back rather than "Hands like feet" Toe ava against Japan! (I hate Toe ava BTW. when my kids were playing catch in the lounge the other night, Jorja (8) kept dropping the catchs and Will (5) said to her "You catch like Toe ava" - LMFAO!!!... classic call)

Bring on the frogs on Saturday - I think it will be a competition, but think we will take it by 15-20

Sth Africa v Australia in 1/4's makes it real interesting from here. Australia should beat Yarpies, but Australia have been largely unconvincing to date, Yarpies looked pretty good against Fiji, JP looks in good touch for sure, which helps with Habana recovering.

I would prefer Yarpies to win, as Australia will be a tough beat in the Semi's.

The way it works out the Semi, will be more competitive than the final, as I cant see the northern hemisphere teams on other side of the draw doing too much other than slowing the game down and missing penalties.

My 2 cents
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